


Zhongshan GuanCheng Lighting


  Founded in 2019, Zhongshan GuanCheng Lighting focuses on the production of LED flexible light strips, COB light strips, LED neon light strips, LED aluminum profiles, LED linear lights, and other products. Products are widely used in urban lighting, commercial stores, shopping malls, offices, hotels, clubs, museums, public facilities and other fields. Since its establishment, the company has been widely recognized and supported by customers with reliable product quality and high standard professional services. Our products are exported to countries all over the world.

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安丘市| 综艺| 石阡县| 彝良县| 永顺县| 阜康市| 临洮县| 漳州市| 昌吉市| 甘孜| 建阳市| 德阳市| 桃源县| 满洲里市| 杂多县| 河西区| 霞浦县| 扎鲁特旗| 密山市| 静安区| 北辰区| 比如县| 南澳县| 阿克| 荣成市| 三河市| 慈利县| 青川县| 中西区| 扶沟县| 卢湾区| 明溪县| 广宗县| 津南区| 葫芦岛市| 凌云县| 景德镇市| 尉犁县| 句容市| 南川市| 新宾|